3 Tools Every Father Should Know How to Use

“And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”  Matthew 3:17

 I.  Acknowledgement   –  “This is MY beloved Son”

The Father identified his son.

Your own child needs to hear:

  • You are my child.
  • You are wanted.
  • You have great potential.

By acknowledging you are encouraging!

II.  Affection  –  “This is my BELOVED Son”

The Father declared his love for his son.

Your own child should never have reason to doubt your love.

  • Tell them you love them.
  • Demonstrate your love.   Merely loving our children is not enough!
  • Expressing your love strengthens your bond.
  • Guard against confusing “love” with “approval.”

“When “love” and “approval” become confused, love loses its identity.  The pleasant feeling associated with approval is mistaken for love.  To be disapproved leaves you feeling unloved.”

III.  Affirmation  –  “in whom I am well pleased.”

The Father spoke of his pleasure in his son.

Affirm your children and watch them soar!

  • Tell your child that you are pleased with them.  NOT the same as your love for them!
  • Tell your child what about them pleases you.
  • Pray over them.  Thank God for them!
  • Speak positively of them to others.



  1. Jill Ingram says

    I am the Director of Children’s Ministries at First United Methodist Church in Cleveland TN, and your brother Brian was working on my computer and hooked me up with this website! I LOVE this article! Ironically, This is the scripture we are using for this week and I am copying it and passing it out to all of my fathers! I LOVE IT! Thanks so much!

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